Covid-19 Outside Visitation Policy
The following restricted guidelines will be mandated for ALL visitors during their scheduled time for visitation.
- All visits must be scheduled during the following times Monday-Friday 9am-4pm, and Sunday 10am-11am/1:30pm-2:30pm with Cindy Seekford or Crystal Campbell.
- Visits need to be scheduled at least 2 days in advance for weekday visits and no later than Thursdays for Sunday visits.
- All visits will be limited to 30 minutes.
- Visits will be available on the porch located on the east side of the building, (NOT through the barricades). Parking will be directly in front of you when pulling into the facility at the end of the driveway.
- NO family member may enter the facility. ONLY 2 visitors will be allowed per session.
- Visitors must provide and wear face masks at all times during visit. Mask must cover nose and mouth at all times. No MASK, NO Visit.
- Visitors must maintain a social distance of 6 feet at all times during the visit.
- No touching or hugging will be permitted during your visit.
- A visitor health screening will be required and completed before your visitation session to ensure the safety and well-being of our residents. If a temperature of 100.4 or greater, cough, runny nose, chest congestion or any other signs and symptoms of Covid are exhibited, visitation will be canceled.
- Only adults and children 5 years and older will be allowed to have visitation due to mask requirements.
- A Timberview Crossing staff member will be present during all visitation.